....and I mean that in the nicest possible way....
Yep, it's true - I have returned from the lost lands of computer problems, reading slumps and questionable dalliances to resurrect The Mountains of Instead from its currently rather sorry state to one of regular reviews, interviews, guest posts and more.
The last few months have been extremely busy in the Splendibird household, sometimes stressful and always hectic but a quieter time has come and I'm excited about getting back to blogging, studying and (whisper it) even a bit of writing as well as ongoing freelance editorial bits and bobs. As you can see, blogging is not my sole focus and as such I'd love any offers of guest posts, ideas for regular features, requests for specific discussion posts (or, as is so often the case on MOI, rant-ussion posts). While I plan on returning to posting twice weekly reviews, I'd like MOI to become more varied. Last year, Zombie Week was a huge hit and I'd like to run something similar again (minus the zombies) - any ideas/contributors are more than welcome.
Finally, are you a reader and possible wannabe reviewer? If so, get in touch - I'd love to host reviews by non-bloggers and can provide a variety of titles for this purpose.
So yes! It's all go here at MOI headquarters (er, my desk... in, er, my bedroom...) and I can't wait to get started all over again. Bear with me for just a couple more weeks while I stack up some reviews and get myself organised. I'm nearly there and big love to all of you who have stuck with MOI through this ghastly dry patch.
(hope you get out of your reading slump soon. they are not much fun :/