The Mountains of Instead

Championing fiction as an escape from pandemics, politics and bad TV.

IMM (#19)

In My Mailbox is a meme created and hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren with inspiration from Alea at Pop Culture JunkieAll book titles link to further info at Goodreads.

For review
Clockwork Angel
Cassandra Clare
Walker Books 2010
Hee. Hee hee hee. That's me giggling in glee. I'm reading this currently and it is just as awesome as I thought it would be - and more different to the Mortal Instruments series than I expected. Curious to see how it ends...

Book Tour
Lisa McMann
Simon Pulse
This comes via UK Book Tours, who you really should check out if you are a UK blogger. I really enjoyed reading Wake last week (review soon) and am interested to find out where the story line will head in this sequel.

Book Faeryness
As You Wish
Jackson Pearce
Harper Teen 2009
I received this on surprise loan from the lovely Emma at Asamum Booktopia. I absolutely loved Sisters Red (review here) by the same author and am keen to see what this is like.

Suzanne Collins
Scholastic 2010
Bah. I actually pre-ordered this but it didn't arrive until well after the release date. Sadly, I have had the end of the story spoiled for me by a review that did not carry a spoiler warning. Therefore it has been relegated to my shelf until I feel like having a look.

Pam Bachorz
Egmont Books 2010
I've seen this reviewed a couple of times recently and like the premise. It looks pretty sinister and I love the extremely creepy cover. I've not heard of the author before and it's always nice to go into a book knowing nothing about the style of writing.

Among Friends
Caroline B. Cooney
Bantam 1988
I read very little teen fiction when I was an actual teen, but I did read (repeatedly) and love Among Friends. I tracked down a copy (it's not in print) and was so excited when it arrived I actually stopped reading Clockwork Angel in order to read it instead. I know. I am delighted to report that it was just as good as I remember it.

So, a slightly quieter week is approaching reading wise which is good as the 12th of September sees the start of Week Of The Living Dead here at Mountains of Instead.  Yes, I will be celebrating all things zombie with reviews, discussion posts, haikus and a great international give away.  There will be contributions from many familiar and not so familiar names and I hope that you will all stop by to check out some of the great guest posts that will be appearing that week!  Until then, happy reading!


Great books this week! I've been wanting to pick up As You Wish, I loved Jackson Pearce's second book, Sisters Red! I got a copy of Clockwork Angel this week, too...I can't wait to dig into it!
fab books - clockwork angel is awesome!
danya said…
I remember reading Among Friends years ago, and finding the entries from Jennie's perspective in particular really interesting - from what I remember, the author does a good job of portraying the contrast between her struggling under the pressure to be 'best' and her friends resenting her.
prophecygirl said…
YAY for Clockwork! :D
Splendibird said…
Danya - I am so glad that someone else remembers the book! The stuff from Jennie's perspective is just as interesting, if not more so, reading it as an adult.

Jenny - I know! Was so excited. Publisher ran out of advance copies so I got mine a little later than everyone else (bless their hearts, they still sent it out) and was so excited as I had assumed it wasn't coming. I LOVE IT!!
Nomes said…
someone spoiled some of mockingjay for me too - with the whole team peeta/team gale subplot. it really did take some of the suspense out of it for me - but i still didnt know how it all went down. how disappointing for you. all reviews should be spoiler free - but its especially annoying for a series youve been hanging out for.

I am expecting to get as you wish any day now! it looks cute and fun and I'm in the kind of mood :)
Clockwork Angel, how jealous am I?! And I'm really looking forward to reading Fade..
Dwayne said…
Awesome books - most of this are on my TBR/wishlist. So do have fun with them:)
Oh my gosh, can't believe someone spoiled the ending for you. Nothing drives me more insane than people who do that. If you're going to post a spoiler, give a clear warning. *hmph* >> Ok, mini rant over! Great selection of books, I'm dying to read As you wish (even though I wasn't all that keen on Sisters Red) and Clockwork Angel (currently reading City of Bones and can't believe it took me this long to get around to reading Cassandra Clare's books). Enjoy your reads!
Lauren said…
Uh, I'm not sure if I've read Almost Friends but the title is really familiar... I need to look into that.

And I totally can't wait to hear what you think of As You Wish. It sounds much more upbeat than Sisters Red, but I'm hoping to hear that it's awesome!
Unknown said…
Hunger Games: can we dispense with present-tense narration once and for all? It is so very old by now.

So many good books out there. How many great ones never get published?
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