
Kristin Cashore
Gollancz 2008
I've heard lots of good things about this title and now that I have jumped back on the fantasy horse I thought I would give it a go. I particularly like the sound of Katsa - I haven't read a truly kick ass heroine for ages and she sounds like she might just fit the bill.
The Glass Demon
Helen Grant
Penguin 2010
This is another title that has been on my wish list forever. I love a good spooky story, but there aren't that many out there - this, however, looks pretty chilling. Looking forward to curling up with it and being (hopefully) scared witless.
Claudia Gray
Harper Collins 2010
I honestly have no idea why I am continuing with this series. I would certainly like the books more were the main character simply not in them - I have no Bianca love... Oh, wait! I know why I read them - Balthazar. He rocks. Sadly, he's not in this one much but Claudia Gray has left it on a cliffhanger (don't care so much about that) which leads me to believe he will be in the final instalment much, much more! Yay Balthazar!
Maggie Stiefvater
Scholastic 2010
What can I say?? I haven't started this yet - I am enjoying just having it in my possession. I occasionally stroke the cover, content in the knowledge that I can read it whenever I want.
Ally Condy
Penguin 2010
I won this from the lovely Steph Su, but by the time she had sent it out I received a surprise ARC of the same title from Penguin. Never fear, I will not hog them both - one copy will be being donated to the cause over at UK Book Tours.
The Body Finder
Kimberley Derting
Harper Collins 2010
I won this from the author herself and was pretty excited - particularly when it showed up personalised and with a whole bunch of Body Finder swag. I've read it already and am a fan - review to follow soon.
So that was my week - how was yours? I have done something unseen, yet horrible to my back so should get plenty of reading done while lying flat on the floor - glad that I have so many good books to keep me going. Happy reading, everybody - may you do yours upright and in no pain...
I hope you love it, live it, miss it too.
In My Mailbox
I've added "The Glass Demon" to my to-read list but since it only came out last month, I know already that it won't have made its way into my library system yet. But in a few months, I'll definitely check back to reserve it, if I don't find it at the bookstore first. :)
Oh man! I've been DYING to read the Body Finder. I cannot wait to see what you think about that!
Great books this week! Consider me green with envy! XD It's not the hashed browns I had this morning that's making me green, I promise. My dad is a great cook. *nods*
PS - I LOVE the title of your blog. "The Mountains of Instead". LOVERLY! (is purposely mispelled. part of my charm. XD)
Enjoy your books!
I got Linger this week too. I'm not about to read it right yet, but I just needed to get it as soon as it came out. :D
Congrats on the wins. I really should start entering some contests!
Great, great book week, enjoy & feel better :D