The Mountains of Instead

Championing fiction as an escape from pandemics, politics and bad TV.

IMM (#11)

In My Mailbox is a meme created and hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren with inspiration from Alea at Pop Culture Junkie. It basically give book bloggers everywhere the opportunity to share what books they have received/bought/librarised (yes, I know that librarised is not a word) over the last week. All book titles link to further info at Goodreads.

Lucy Christopher
Chicken House 2009
This has been on my wish list forever and I'm excited about reading it.  I've read some really interesting reviews and think that the premise is fascinating, although it doesn't sound like a particularly happy read.

Catherine Fisher
Hodder Children's Books 2007
This is another one that I've been meaning to take a look at - again a good premise and I love the cover.  I've read mixed reviews with people commenting that the characters seem hard to like to am interested to find out what I think of them.

And that's it this week!  Both these books were actually ordered a couple of weeks ago and only just arrived yesterday, which was nice as I had no intention of buying books this week at all (I have lots of interesting ones due to arrive in the next wee while so was exercising restraint).  I'm look forward to seeing what everyone else has receive this week - happy reading!


Both of these books have had such terrific reviews. Look forward to hearing what you think of them :D Enjoy :D
Nomes said…
Wow - both books I want to read. Stolen is up for best YA book of the year (in Australia) and I havent seen that cover of Incarceron before - I like it :)
Lauren said…
I loved Incarceron. I didn't bond hugely with the characters, and thought it was a very plot driven novel, but then I've heard others talk about how character-driven it is... I don't know what this means, other than that it's open to interpretation. Seriously though, *what* a plot.

Stolen sounds great too. Definitely one on my 'meaning to read' list. Enjoy. :)
Both of these look interesting. I have Incarceron too, but I haven't gotten around to it yet! I like the different UK cover.
Unknown said…
Ooh, I recently bought Incarceron at the librarian's conference. From Lauren's comment, it looks like we are in for a treat. Enjoy.
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