Following the success of last year's Shade and on the run up to the release of follow up Shift, I am delighted to welcome author Jeri Smith-Ready as a guest here at The Mountains of Instead. I heart Jeri. She's fun, generous with her readers and writes excellent stories (she also put my name in an actual printed book, which helps). Best of all she adores Scotland. Scotland, for those of you who don't already know, is the home of The Mountains of Instead and I therefore may be slightly biased, so I'll hand you over to Jeri so that she can explain herself why Scotland is a home worthy of the swoonsome Zachary:
“The green is for the forests of the Highlands where my clan comes from.” Zachary pointed to the kilt’s vertical threads. “The yellow line is for the sun that shines once every three weeks.”
My Facebook friend Fraser, a native of Glasgow, took us to see the statue of the Duke of Wellington, who routinely wears a traffic cone on his head (not by design, but by local tradition of mischief, which sounds like something that would happen here in Baltimore). The duke wasn’t wearing the cone, but we found something even better: a Glaswegian unicorn!
If you’ve read Shade and/or Shift, what do you think of Zachary? Is he too perfect, or just perfect enough? If you haven’t read Shade, what are some of your favourite foreign settings or characters? Do you enjoy reading about places you've visited? Has a book ever made you decide to visit a new place?
Almost every place I visit ends up creeping into my novels eventually. Scotland, along with Greece and British Columbia, is one of my favorite places in the world, so it’s no surprise it’s become a part of the world of SHADE. I went there for a week during my semester abroad in London twenty years ago, and fell insanely in love—with the landscape, the people, and the food.
Okay, not so much the food.
The world of fiction is chockablock with Scottish heroes, mostly rugged Highlanders in historical romance settings, often clan chiefs with a foreboding castle and a penchant for strong drink. These books sell well here in the States, because many American women have what we call a “thing” for Scotsmen.
(I’m told it doesn’t go the other way—American men aren’t particularly done in by a female Scottish accent. This bewilders me, especially considering my theory on why the accent is so attractive, a theory that I can’t really discuss on a YA blog without blushing.)
But I don’t write historical romances—I write paranormal YA. Which does lend itself to the cute, mysterious “New Boy in Town.”
Enter sixteen-year-old Zachary Moore. Not a Highlander, not chief of anything. Not much of a drinker. And he’s fresh out of castles at the moment.
He does, however, have the accent.
From SHADE’s second chapter, when Aura and Zachary first meet:
“Excuse me, [he said.] Are you really Aura?”
I didn’t notice the “really,” because my ears had heated at the sound of my name spoken that way, his tongue curled around the R like it was a piece of candy.
“What?” I said, eloquently.
“Aura,” he repeated, pronouncing it Ooora (again with tongue curl). “That’s you, aye?” You like a female sheep. Wow, it’s true what they say about Scottish accents.
“Um. Yeah, I’m—” I couldn’t speak my name without sounding lame and American.
I decided (for, I don’t know, bonus challenge character points or something) to make Zachary from Glasgow, though I knew it was a more difficult dialect to write. (I think someone on Twitter said, “Just don’t make him from Glasgow—that would be really tough.” Me: “Okay, I’ll make him from Glasgow.”)
I balanced his distinct regionalism by having his family move about quite a bit in the last several years, throughout the British Isles and…”other places” (I did say he was mysterious). Plus, Zachary tries his best to blend in while living in the United States. It’s not until Aura hears him arguing with his father (also a native Glaswegian) that she realizes how much Zachary moderates his accent around Americans. To her ears, it barely sounds like English.
Not wanting to fall into stereotypes, I purposely didn’t do a great deal of research into the “typical” Scottish temperament before writing SHADE. Yet I instinctively drew Zachary as fiercely proud, occasionally stubborn (okay, not occasionally), and deeply caring—traits which I later learned to fit the national character pretty well. Also, he’s punctual(Really, I was just painting the typical Capricorn—not that I believe in astrology, but sometimes it helps form a basic template).
Want to hear an incredible writing story? Zachary’s main distinguishing character trait, particularly in SHADE, is his patience. After all, he’s falling in love with a girl whose boyfriend died and became a ghost. Zach can’t afford to rush things. He’s forced to wait month after month for Aura to come round and realize what they could have together. So imagine my surprise when I discovered while writing SHIFT (Book 2) that the Moore/Muir family motto is Durum Patentia Frango, which is Latin for “Through patience I overcome difficulties.”
The serendipity knocked me over! I’d originally chosen the name Moore not for its motto, but because
a) it sounded good with the name Zachary
b) I wanted to avoid a “Mac” surname because I already have a McAllister main character in my vampire series
c) Maybe, just maybe, I wanted to evoke James Bond actor Roger Moore. (Not that I see him playing Zachary’s secret agent father Ian Moore—I’ve always pictured no one in that role but Craig Ferguson.)
Speaking of the Moore/Muir clan, in SHIFT we finally get to see Zachary in a kilt, the colors of the family tartan. He shows it off to a group of classmates at the Prom:
![]() |
Zach's Tartan |
“So what’s the blue?” asked Rachel Howard.
“The blue is for the water. In Irish Gaelic, Moore and Muir mean ‘sea.’” He cocked his head. “But in Scottish Gaelic, it just means ‘big.’”
Yeah, I’m pretty sure he made that all up. Scotsmen have been known to have a little harmless fun with American gullibility. Not that I speak from experience.
When my husband and I first started dating, almost (yikes!) 19 years ago, I promised I would one day take him to Scotland (he’s a MacLeod on his grandmother’s side). Last week, I finally made good on that promise. We went to Glasgow to do research for the third book in the SHADE trilogy, SHINE, part of which takes place in that fair city.
I fell in love all over again, with the architecture, the people—and this time, yes, even the food! Glasgow was a feast for all five senses, and I’m still suffering from withdrawal. Luckily, we brought home lots of snack foods, like Tunnock’s Tea Cakes and Caramel Wafers, and Walker’s Highland Shortbread. It’s just not the same, though.
To lessen the pain of separation (or maybe to wallow in it), I like to look at my trip photos. Here are two of my favorites.
The first shows University of Glasgow beyond the Kelvin River, in the city’s West End, where we stayed during our trip (half a block from the delicious and gorgeous Ã’ran Mór bar and cafe).

We will go back soon. I know I said that about Vancouver seventeen years ago, but this time, I mean it. Scotland is lodged deeper in my heart than ever. One of these days, it might not let me go at all.
Thanks, Jeri, for such an entertaining and interesting post! And now over to you lot because Jeri has questions she'd love some answers to:
Answer one or more of these questions, or ask Jeri a question, in the comments below to enter today’s give away. There will be two winners.
The Prizes:
1) a signed copy of Shift, plus a wee notebook with the Moore/Muir crest and “Spirit of Alba” tartan, courtesy of Jeri.
2) an unsigned copy of Shift, courtesy of Jeri’s publisher.
Additionally all commenters will be entered into a draw to win the Grand Prize - annotated copies of Shade and Shift, an early copy of Shine (book three of the series, of which there will be no other ARCS) and an Ipod Shuffle!
Open to international entries but comments will close after 24 hours - so get commenting!
I have Shade on my TBR pile so cannot comment on Zachary
But having recently read Die for ME the Paris descriptions really had me wanting to visit. Plus the lesser known tourist spots described in Where She Went of NYC. I could carry on.
The only time I get to travel is in my imagination and thanks to the wonderful writers out there for giving me the oppurtunity :D
Great coincidence about Zachary's family motto. I'll remember it since I definitely need to learn patience.
Great post :-)
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
When it comes to location, I like both places I have never been and places I have. The only problem with places I know is that if they aren't accurate, it drives me up the wall!
bigferret at email dot com
aprilmom00 at gmail dot com
I think Zach contrasted well with with Logan, and that is his perfection. His dialect and body language exuded an easy stillness inside him, whereas Logan, even before he died was more of a twitchy fellow, excitable.
Logan provides that dark against which we can really see Zach's light.
sgiden at
vicky216n at hotmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway.
artgiote at gmail dot com
melodiousrevelry (at) gmail (dot) com
I have never been to Scotland, but it sounds/looks like a great place to visit! I do love reading about foreign places though.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Also, great pictures. I love traveling and almost always try to pull something out of the places I visit to put into books or stories. Internet research and pictures in books are great, but there's nothing like visiting a place and getting the vibe and layout.
angel28140 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Jeri, I'm so glad you put down Greece as one of your favourite places!! I live in a small city on the island of Crete! Hope you manage to visit Greece again sometime in the future!
Thanks for the giveaway! Shift (and Shade, which I have not read but must!) sound really good!
But I’d be interested to hear where Jeri would also want to visit and be inspired to write about.
terilhack at yahoo dot com
Logan was a great character also. He had an unfinished feel to him, so I hope Shift gives him some more strength for me.
OH I cannot wait for Shift! Thank you.
kasuranna at yahoo dot com
patriciamendoza AT gmail DOT com
Thank you!
dulcibelle (at) earthlink (dot) net
Thank youu!! :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
elainareads AT aol DOT com
I Do love to read about places Ive visited as well as places I haven't. Descriptions in books about places I haven't been to do very much so tend to lean me toward wishing to visit them as well. If nothing else, they are a wonderful way to escape to another place if only for a little while.. who doesn't love that?
thank you Jeri!! Can't wait to get my hands on Shift next month!! :)
Debbie in NY
kchilyard at yahoo dot com
I love reading about places I have visited, and I think it would be so cool reading a book set in my home city!
EVERY book I read makes me want to go to a new place, EXCEPT most dystopian novels. *shivers*
TValeros18 [at] gmail [dot] com
I definitely don't think Zachary is too perfect. Just perfect enough . . . perhaps. I have to admit that it's been a while since I read it (ummm, did I finish it on the day it was released, or the following day?) but I definitely don't remember having the sense of unrealistic perfection in Zach. I think there was a vulnerability in their search for answers.
Did I know you've been to Greece? I don't think we ever talked about it. But I've always meant to comment on the way you wove some Greek language/ideas into the Aspect of Crow books
What do I think of Zachary? I liked him - he might be a tad patient with Aura (who I am still trying to figure out why she fancies him [baring the accent]). But I think I would go down to the pub with him.
I was very lucky and, at the end of a trip to New York last year, I started reading the Blue Bloods series by Melissa de la Cruz and went all hyper when I first saw mention of Central Park as I was there the day before!
Thanks for the change to win!
email: desapd (at) gmail (.) com
Good luck with your novels. They sound fabulous!
Cyndi Tefft
I love reading about the Irish countryside. It's just so beautiful and descriptive.
deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com
I've always wanted to visit Scotland so hopefully I'll get there one day :o)
Thanks for hosting the giveaway
sarahsreviews at ymail dot com
I do love foreign settings in books, especially European ones. Maureen Johnson's 'Envelope' books are perfect examples of ones that make me want to travel all over Europe even more than before. And of course Stephanie Perkins' 'Anna and the French Kiss' made the city of Paris almost like a character in the novel, and it made me want to visit.
Katie: Zachary is the kind of guy I would've had a crush on in high school, too--and who would probably never have looked at me twice. That's what's great about fiction, I guess.
Carrie, that's interesting that you cite Logan as the dark against which we see Z's light. I always think of them as the other way around, because Zachary is more mysterious and Logan is sort of all "out there" for everyone to see. And, uh, he glows. (I'm superficial.)
Phanee, I would love to visit Greece again! I've only been to Athens and Rhodes, but would love to explore more of the islands.
lenispeleni: Well, after reading THE HISTORIAN I desperately wanted to visit Eastern Europe. As for where I would love to set a book, a place I haven't been, hmm...probably New Zealand. OK, actually, I just want an excuse to go to NZ, LOL! But I would also love to read a book set there so I could feel like I was there, and to learn more.
Kaya Hack: I think you'll like the direction Logan takes in SHIFT. He grows up a lot...eventually. ;)
Riva: Good point! I wonder sometimes if Zach comes off as a real teenager as much as the other characters. I think he does so more in SHIFT (ironically, I think as Logan grows up in that book, Zachary sort of...grows down? Becomes more of a guy, if you know what I mean).
Jena: From Twitter I know which scene you're talking about. Hee.
Nat: We hope to go to Italy, too--I was there that same year I went to Scotland, but it rained almost the entire time. :( And it would be nice to go to Italy on more than $26/day. ;-)
Kasey: Thank you so much! I admit, I felt like I know Zachary a lot better now than I did two weeks ago, after going to his hometown.
I'll pop back in later to answer more comments and any questions. See ya!
Thank you so much for the giveaway <3 I'm looking forward to Shift!
As to whether a book has ever caused me to visit a place no but magazine articles have.
Books tend to make me want to visit different eras such as the Regency, the Renaissence, georgian times etc.
Thanks for the giveaway and for opening it to worldwide entries.
Carol T
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
americangirlie1991 AT yahoo DOT com
I love Zachary, not only because of the accent (even though I DO love accents) but because he's (as mentioned) really patient. He doesn't push Aura, but lets her see herself.
Because of Shade, I probably DO want to go to Scotland. (And drool over some accents)
Ashley, I've been dying to check out Anna and the French Kiss for a while now. I'll have to look up Maureen Johnson's books, too.
April X, I can't decide between Logan and Zachary, either. My favorite is whoever's scene I just wrote. What can I say, I'm fickle!
Tynga, you are very perceptive.
Splendibird, I can guarantee there are many American women who would be happy to trade a few of our guys for a few of yours. (Not me, personally, I lucked out, but then again, he is 1/4 Scottish. :-D
Zachary is as I see it just perfect enough:-)
Thank you for this giveaway.
I'm reading Karen Marie Moning's Highlander series right now and I just found out today, that I actually visited one of the Scotish castles mentioned in the books - Dunnottar. Now I can close my eyes and imagine the sea view from the castle. Amazing. Scotland is one of the most beautiful countries in the world and I love reading books about it.
Thank you for the giveaway!
judittten at gmail dot com
And I love anything set in Europe (I'm kind of obsessed with it, tbh). Also, every book set in Europe that I've read, I've seemed to have enjoyed, which is awesome.
I always wonder if places are like how they are described in books. For example, are American high schools really big on 'cliques'? Luckily, I got to ask an American exchange student and she quickly told me it wasn't really like that. I would love to travel!
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
I really hope she ends up with Zachary! Logan seems like a great male character, but he doesn't have those alluring qualities as Zachary does. I am sure Zachary has his little secrets, but I still think Aura should be with him.
I really hope Aura ends up with Zachary! Logan is a nice male character in the stoy, but he lacks the qualities Zachary has. I am sure Zachary is going to have his secrets, but I still think Aura should be with Zachary.
eadd: aloveforbooks at gmail dot com
i decided i need to comment on every tour post! I'll be everywhere...kinda like a ninja!
on that note: HUZzaH! (love that word thanks to our lovely host for today!) anyway, HUzZah, Zachary grows down & becomes more of a guy...aka- doesn't use all of his brain! So he is going to do something stupid?! Finally! HE was just TOO perfect with his sexy accent & all his patience & such!
p.s. Does anyone else think Jeri should work for a travel agency?LOL this post makes me want to go to Glasgow so bad! She's good at promoting! :P
darlyn225 at gmail dot com
Megan @ Amethyst Daydreams
AmethystDaydreams at zoho dot com
I love reading about places Ive been. Its so much fun to picture the actual place as you read the story. Ive read about quite a few places I would love to visit but havent had the chance yet.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Lots of books make me want to visit different places. I just read Darkness Becomes Her and I'd love to see for my self all the great architecture in New Orleans.
Thanks for the giveaway!
entrelibros_blog at
Zachary is perfect in so many ways. I think one of the things that turns me on to him the most is his patience, as Jeri commented on. He respectfully gives Aura the space she needs throughout the storyline of SHADE with no pressure. That is a remarkable trait!
And, let's just face it. That Scottish accent is completely irresistable.
I adore Scotland. Despite our nowhere-twice rule, I've taken my holidays in Scotland (same place!) twice. The first being N and my honeymoon :) So I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Scotland.
Also, I adore Zachary. I think he's perfect and I absolutely love him in Shade! I'm dying to read Shade and get back to things.
Also, I love reading both books that about places I've already been (especially 'home' which is Oregon) but I also love when books take me new places as well. Especially Japan. Or India. Or anywhere I've not been, which is just about everywhere!
Thank you for such a fabulous guest post! and for such an exciting giveaway!
Yes totally! When I read a book I really like to imagine myself in their place, I recently read a book that is set on Paris. I really liked it!
my email add is serenekua AT gmail DOT com
Thanks for the fabulous post Jeri and Sya, and the awesome giveaway!!
Awesome giveaway:)
Oh... hot men and kilts... not to mention, ACCENTS! (blushes). What's wrong with american men? LOL
kah_cherub at hotmail dot com